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Mandate – Priorities and Bylaws


Our Mission Statement

The Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon is the visitor industry association forging a common voice and actions to influence, promote and assist the development of tourism in the Yukon. For over 40 years, TIAY has been the voice of the Yukon’s tourism industry

TIA Yukon’s Conduct Statement

Members of the Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon (TIA Yukon) shall maintain the highest standard of conduct, act with fairness, integrity and in a manner complementary to the Yukon’s tourism industry.

TIA Yukon’s Role Statement

Bringing the tourism industry together
Increasing the awareness of the value of tourism
Providing leadership

Our Values
  • Approachability
  • Communication
  • Great customer service
  • Honesty
  • Humour
  • Professionalism
  • Recognition
  • Respect
  • Sustainable practices
  • Trust


  • Advocating and Lobbying on behalf of industry – proactively (targeted) and reactively (as required).
  • Parks Canada product
  • Land Use Planning processes that incorporate meaningful consultation with Yukon First Nations & the Yukon public
  • Product development
  • Tourism infrastructure (maintenance of existing and development of new)
  • Supporting the development and promotion of cultural tourism
  • Air access
  • Maintained funding to support T.V. marketing
  • Individual issues as they arise

Developing new partnerships with key stakeholders and enhancing existing relationships with current partners.

  • Encourage/support increased inter-departmental (YG) collaboration.
  • Work to develop and strengthen partnerships with key groups and sectors in the territory that have certain goals in line with those of TIA Yukon (i.e. Chambers of Commerce, Chamber of Mines, Association of Yukon Communities).
  • Develop a closer working relationship with tourism stakeholders in jurisdictions outside of the Yukon where useful to the needs of TIA Yukon (i.e. Tourism industry representatives in Alaska, BC, NWT, etc.).
Community Development
  • Continue to support efforts to develop cultural districts and communities. Ex. Dawson (i.e. UNESCO), Whitehorse (i.e. Whitehorse Waterfront), Haines Junction.
  • Creation of economic model to generate economies of scale in Yukon communities.
  • Support the development of tools that help tourism stakeholders share authentic Yukon experiences with visitors that includes multiple historical and social narratives (eg. Educating ‘tourism ambassadors’, cultural inventories)
Industry Sustainability

Developing tools and techniques to promote innovation and sustainability within the Yukon’s tourism industry.

  • Work with YG and other partners to help address current staffing challenges (i.e. job training, retention, staff housing) for tourism businesses within the territory
  • Monitor the development of technology trends (i.e. mobile apps, social media) as they relate to visitor habits, and work to support and facilitate industry education and increased adoption of new technology.
  • Explore the viability of niche products and niche markets in the Yukon and encourage growth of those with identified potential. (i.e. Culinary Tourism, Port of Skagway Marketing Strategy)
Organizational Stability

Developing tools and techniques that build a foundation for the long term stability and vision of TIA Yukon.

  • Continue to oversee and support the work of TIA Yukon’s subcommittees.
  • Develop staff manuals to provide a clear, written record of up-to-date policies, procedures and recent history of the organization.
  • Operate current TIA programs (YTTF, WTTC Safe Travels Stamp, Elevate) and explore ways to make them more effective and accessible to industry.
  • Enhance TIA Yukon’s membership program in a way that provides increased value and increased engagement of the industry allowing TIA Yukon to re-engage a membership fee model.
  • Consistently work to enhance the TIA Yukon brand.


2019 Constitution and Bylaws