TIA Yukon works with several partners to advance our mandate and support our members.
Tourism Association Partners
TIA Yukon is an umbrella organization working collaboratively with our six Tourism Assocation Partners (TAPs) to ensure tourism businesses from all sectors are represented and heard.

Klondike Visitors Association
Klondike Visitors Association (KVA) is a not-for-profit tourism sector organization, based in Dawson City, Yukon, representing local and regional members and industry stakeholders. KVA’s mandate includes destination marketing, operation of attractions and presentation of special events that increase visitation and add to the quality of life in their community.

Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon
The Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon (WTAY) provides a unified voice for their members – educating and advocating for Yukon’s natural wilderness product and the tourism operators who use it. WTAY also promotes high-quality visitor experiences through the Yukon Wild brand.

Yukon Convention Bureau
The Yukon Convention Bureau (YCB) is a membership-based Destination Marketing Organization. YCB markets the Yukon as a favorable destination for meetings and events both within and outside the territory. YCB members believe that developing a sustainable meeting and convention industry will enhance the quality of life for all Yukoners.

Yukon First Nations Culture & Tourism Association
The Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association (YFNCT) is a non-profit organization that is committed to growing and promoting vibrant and sustainable arts/culture and tourism sectors. YFNCT offers training, a booking/referral service, networking opportunities and co-operative marketing for First Nations artists, performers, cultural centres and tourism entrepreneurs in Yukon.

Yukon Historical and Museums Association
The Yukon Historical & Museums Association was established in 1977 by a group of concerned and passionate individuals to create a united voice for understanding and promoting heritage and history in the Yukon. YHMA keeps apprised of issues and advocate on behalf of the Yukon’s heritage and heritage sector.

Yukon Outfitters Association
The Yukon Outfitters Association is a member-based organization representing Yukon outfitters. All members take pride in the Outfitters Code of Ethical Standards and strive to maintain a sustainable and healthy wildlife population for all species in the Yukon.